Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Truth About the Xbox 360 Towel Method

I have seen the damage that so called quick fixes, and easy methods with no investment of time can do. I've opened systems with melted solder points, melted pieces on the motherboards, etc. Hell, dial up wireless modem have seen Computer Security Test system that was poorly broken into with one of these so called free X Clamp Methods, scratched from the inside out, missing screws, and what's more an important piece.

This is not a build it yourself exercise bike folks or a build it yourself cheap Chinese product. This is a internet business scams piece of technology and if you don't understand what you're doing. Don't do anything at all, otherwise you will void your Microsoft warranty for no reason, pay me a sack of gold to fix it, or chuck it buying a new system all together.

So let me give you a little history on the Xbox 360 Towel Method and why it's effective and destructive at the same time. The Xbox 360 Towel Method consists of putting a towel in your freezer, chilling the towel and then wrapping it around your system. Sounds good so far, after all the system is overheating so let's cool it down, right? No... Not at all, with that kind of logic you might as well just pour some ice cold water on it and throw it out your window.

"But-But-But, It's guaranteed to work for a few hours, allowing me to play another round of Halo Wars Live!"

All right, go ahead, but let me just say I warned you.

This formula is a guarantee for a melted system with possibly no return. After all, you're trapping hot air inside of a system that already felt it was overheating when it could breathe. How smart are you? Please be smarter than my friends.

So please, do it right. Don't settle for some cheap trick that cost you a lot, don't make the mistake of taking some unknown red lights xbox 360 fix guide off ebay or some forum.

John Hitchen

Michael Jackson waves to the crowd, numbering a few thousand, gathered in front of the Sydney Opera House in this November 17, 1996 file photo.REUTERS/Megan Lewis/FilesReuters - A new Michael Jackson song, "This Is It," will be released as a single on October 12, Sony Music Entertainment announced Wednesday.

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